Advocate for your industry at our annual Legislative Day.
Founded in 1890 as The National Association of Life Underwriters (NALU), NAIFA is one of the nation’s oldest and largest associations representing the interests of insurance professionals from every Congressional district in the United States. NAIFA members assist consumers by focusing their practices on one or more of the following: life insurance and annuities, health insurance and employee benefits, multiline, and financial advising and investments. NAIFA’s mission is to advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, enhance business and professional skills, and promote the ethical conduct of its members.
Advocate for your industry at our annual Legislative Day.
Educate yourself at our Annual Conference.
Differentiate yourself by serving on one of our committees.
RSVP now for the 2024 NAIFA Iowa State Convention taking place at the West Des Moines Marriott.
We will kick things off on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:00 PM with a welcome reception so make sure to get to town early to join us for dinner and drinks and games!
Thursday morning, September 5th we will have breakfast and begin the day!
Three great keynote speakers are scheduled to entertain and educate our members and guests.
NAIFA’s national president will also be joining us over lunch to give us an update of all the success our association has achieved in 2024.
Following lunch we will recognize our state board members, present annual awards, and recognize our veteran members and leaders.
Then we’ll finish the afternoon with messages from our Advocacy Team, Iowa’s Congressional Members, and finish out the afternoon with an inspiring final keynote speaker to get you motivated for the drive home and to attack Friday morning and the next week with renewed purpose!
NAIFA Iowa members are connecting regularly at regional meetings, advocacy events and the Annual Convention.
Join us!
Copyright © 2020 NAIFA- IOWA
400 E Court Ave, Ste 126
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515-868-0141