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Membership Benefits


Assist with Registration | Est. 4 hrs yearly

Welcome Attendees at Events | Est. 4 hrs yearly

Help Organize an Industry Program | Est. 10 hrs yearly

Introduce a Speaker | Est. 0.25 hrs yearly

Write a Short Blog About a Recent Event | Est. 2 hrs yearly

Take Event Photos | Est. 4 hrs yearly


Like, Comment On, and Share Posts and Photos on Social Media | Est. 2 hours monthly

Write Articles for the Blog | Est. 3 hrs yearly

Post Photos from Events | Est. 1.25 hrs weekly



Send Legislative Thank You Letter | Est. 1 hr monthly

Visit, Write, or Call Policymakers During Political Action Campaigns | Est. 1 hr yearly

Participate in a PAC Phone a Thon | Est. 1 hr yearly

Testify Before a Regulatory/Legislative Body | Est. 2 hrs yearly



Identify Prospective Members | Est. 1 hr monthly

Represent the Profession at a Student event | Est. 1 hr yearly

Welcome New Members | Est. 1 hr monthly

Contact Agency Managers to Schedule Presentations | Est. 2 hrs yearly

Follow Up With Lapsed Members | Est. 1 hrs monthly



Speak at Chapter Events | Est. 2 hours yearly

Share Tips Via Short Video Clips | Est. 1 hour monthly

Act as a Moderator at Industry Round Table